How do you develop the faith strong enough to sustain all the trials and adversity in order to succeed in business? You’re wondering if there is anyone that actually wants your business, because unless you’re in a franchise your business probably has some uniqueness that sets it apart from your competitors, but how do you know that uniqueness is desired? The strength of your faith is the backbone of your enthusiasm towards your business, and developing your faith is very similar to finding your soulmate.
In finding my soulmate, once I was happy with whom I was and my “product”, I decided to find someone special that I could share and compliment my happiness. I wrote in EXACT detail what qualities and characteristics my soulmate would have, identifying my “ideal customer”. Dating brings adversity and opportunities of possible good partnerships and not so good fits, but more importantly gives clues of reassurance of the value of your undertaking. You’ll be rewarded with more reassurances in proportion to the amount of enthusiastic action you invest. Dating or marketing is a cycle that humorously feeds on itself, enthusiastic action creates confidence and fuels and strengthens your faith. Unsuspecting magic will happen if you’re diligently providing value, and focused on connecting with your soulmate, the ideal customer. That magic happened for me at an impromptu event my friend invited me to, I knew instantly she could be my soulmate, and five months later we were engaged and been married twelve amazing years.
Making a decision to go forward with your business will create reassurances of its value, identify your “ideal customer” then be excited about the possibilities of your actions. Faith is knowing that your understanding is not all that is necessary for you to succeed. The comprehension beyond your understanding is reinforced throughout your journey through the adversities. The more chances you take that require you to trust your inner voice and instincts developed throughout your journey will create the momentum that will make the unsuspecting magic happen. Excitedly your business allows you to find your soulmate every day and in turn develop boundless faith.